The maximum number of characters that make the page of a message is 160 characters. There are times though when you feel the information you wish to pass using your bulk Message won’t fit into a page and you wouldn’t want it to exceed a page. Here are 5 tips that could help you put in all that must be included while still keeping it at a page.
Writing an Informative Yet Short Bulk SMS In Just a Page- 5 Tips That Can Help
Make Good Use of Acronyms
Many bulk SMS users today use acronyms to have good and productive effects. There is so much information that could be passed across in a few sentences with the use of acronyms. We’ve put together a list of common acronyms and what they stand for. When applicable, the use of acronyms can help prune down the number of characters for your bulk SMS.
Use Punctuations Sparingly
Aside from strictly official text messages, where incorrect use of punctuations would be termed criminal, punctuations can be used sparingly to help get your bulk SMS out on a page or less. Some common punctuation marks are used in normal letter writing or speech writing like the quotation mark, the exclamation mark, the colon e.t.c. can be left out when trying to keep the characters for your messages few. Did you know? The quotation mark (both single and double) accounts for 2 characters in your bulk SMS. If you want to make your bulk SMS a page, you might want to limit the use of punctuations.
Limit the Use of ‘White Space Keys’ on The Keyboard
These keys include the ‘alt’ key, the ‘space’ key, the ‘enter’ key e.t.c. These keys are characters on their own and may shoot your message beyond a page. Did you know? The ‘enter key’ on your keyboard accounts for 2 characters in your bulk SMS. So you could limit its use in your next bulk SMS.
Use Camel Case Where and When Applicable
Camel casing is a form of writing in which each letter of each word in a compound word begins with a capital letter. As an example, a sentence that goes like this: “The man downstairs is a very good man” can be written using camel case in this way: “TheManDownstairs is a VeryGoodMan”. As such the characters used up by the ‘space key’ are reduced through the use of this style. Of course, using this in message content defies the rules of punctuations in the English language. But whenever it could be used with no fuss, you could use it to manage the content of your bulk SMS and send lots of information out in just a page.
Keep Your Message Short and Straight to the Point
Most marketing messages follow this idea. The underlying principle is to capture the attention of the readers through the use of a few words. People usually might get turned off by long write-ups, but when it’s short, it captures attention more. The secret? Leave out points that are not relevant and hit the nail on the head. By so doing, you could be killing two birds with a stone, i.e. keeping your bulk SMS on a page and equally getting the most persons to subscribe to it.
Following the suggestions given above could go a long way to ensure you can put all the details you have to get across in that single bulk SMS and still make it a page of message.
Well, on SmartSMSSolutions, you can monitor the number of characters your message contains, looking below the message box in your send SMS page. As such, you could tell when the message exceeds a page.
Are there other ways you send out your informative bulk SMS and still keep it on a page? Share them with us.