Among other things, a school proprietor must ensure that there is a cordial relationship between the school management and the parents of their students/pupils. In other to do this, it is essential to always take actions that show the school has the best interest of the parents at heart.
School Proprietors and Bulk SMS - Using SMS for Goodwill Messages
Some of the ways school management can carry parents along and therefore make them happy have been considered at length. This ranges from organizing a standard PTA forum, letting parents know on time about changes in PTA meetings schedule, filling parents in with the kids’ academic performance, intimating parents of child’s behavior and so many more.
Communication with parents though shouldn’t be made a business as usual routine. There should be times when the parents should be given a good feeling through a well-timed goodwill message. These goodwill messages might come during many public holidays’ events and/or other religious celebrations, such as the Christmas celebration or the Easter celebration just at the corner.
Many successful schools even go to the extent of getting landmark events dates in the lives of the families of the students. This might range from the birth dates of the pupils to the wedding anniversary date of the parent. Without a doubt, many parents will appreciate a well-composed goodwill message customized with the name of their child’s school on such an important date.
Sending goodwill messages bodes well for the long-term strong relationship or bond between your school and the parents. They see you are not just after the money but have the general interest and well-being of their child and themselves in the heart. You keep them and your school grows.
Don’t have a bulk SMS account yet? Then what are you waiting for? Register a free one for your school now and get free SMS units immediately. Once this is done, all you need to do is navigate to it at any time and send well-targeted goodwill messages. Among other things, a school proprietor must ensure that there is a cordial relationship between the school management and the parents of their students/pupils. In other to do this, it is essential to always take actions that show the school has the best interest of the parents at heart.
Some of the ways school management can carry parents along and therefore make them happy have been considered at length. This ranges from organizing a standard PTA forum, letting parents know on time about changes in PTA meetings schedule, filling parents in with the kids’ academic performance, intimating parents of child’s behavior and so many more.
Communication with parents shouldn’t be made a business as usual routine. There should be times when the parents should be given a good feeling through a well-timed goodwill message. These goodwill messages might come during many public holidays’ events and/or other religious celebrations, such as the Christmas celebration or the Easter celebration just at the corner.
Many successful schools even go to the extent of getting landmark events dates in the lives of the families of the students. This might range from the birth dates of the pupils to the wedding anniversary date of the parent. Without a doubt, many parents will appreciate a well-composed goodwill message customized with the name of their child’s school on such an important date.
Sending goodwill messages bodes well for the long-term strong relationship or bond between your school and the parents. They see you are not just after the money but have the general interest and well-being of their child and themselves in the heart. You keep them and your school grows.
Don’t have a bulk SMS account yet? Then what are you waiting for? Register a free one for your school now and get free SMS units immediately. Once this is done, all you need to do is navigate to it at any time and send well-targeted goodwill messages.