Airtel’s hourly data plans offer massive data at affordable rates. Learn which plan provides the best value, how to activate it, and the best use cases.
Best Hourly Airtel Data Plan
Hourly plans are ideal when you need a huge data volume within a short time.
Best Hourly Airtel Data Plans
Price (Naira) |
Data Allowance |
Cost per MB (Kobo) |
Validity |
USSD Code |
N200 |
2GB |
10.00 |
1 Hour |
*312*61# |
N500 |
5GB |
10.00 |
1 Hour |
*312*61# |
N1000 |
10GB |
10.00 |
1 Hour |
*312*61# |
Verdict: The Best Hourly Plan
All three plans have the same cost per MB (10 kobo). The difference is how much data you need within the hour.
Who Should Use This Plan?
- Users needing to download large files quickly.
- Gamers installing updates.
- Streamers watching high-definition content.
Auto-Renewal Information
Hourly plans do not auto-renew. You’ll need to re-subscribe manually each time.