Are you confused about the best social media platform to market your business on? Read through the article to find out as we compare and contrast the various platforms for online marketing and recommend the best platform for your type of business.
Are you confused about the best social media platform to market your business on? Read through the article to find out as we compare and contrast the various platforms for online marketing and recommend the best platform for your type of business.
Do you have a business account on Twitter that doesn’t seem to have the effect you desire in securing more customers? Read through the article to find out how to effectively use your Twitter account to grow your business.
Are you a professional on LinkedIn and seeking to advance your business prospects and client base on the platform? This article discusses the best ways to employ LinkedIn in growing your business.
It is not news to say that Facebook is the world’s leading social media platform. Because of this, many businesses have sought to exploit it in growing their business. This article discusses the best ways you should use Facebook to grow your business.
Is it better to sell only to businesses or to sell only to customers? This article guides on the best model you should adopt and why that model is the best fit for your business.
SMS campaigns have become more popular in the business scene today. Without the proper skill set or knowledge to run a successful SMS campaign, this method might not yield great results for your business. In light of this, here are 7 important strategies for a successful business SMS campaign.
Gone are the days when dry cleaners were looked down upon. The laundry industry has grown significantly over the years, resulting in the industry adopting a modern business approach. SMS is one of such approach. Read to learn more.
Without phone numbers, your SMS would have no recipient and no destination, thus, they would not be delivered. Having established the importance of phone numbers to SMS, below are a few ways to build a robust phone number data list for SMS.
Most industries have adopted the use of SMS as an effective messaging tool, the gaming industry is not an exception. There are ways the gaming industry uses SMS effectively, read more to find out.
Your employees are the greatest assets to your firm. You want them to be maximally productive, this cannot be achieved just by you saying so. Lots of effort is required. Read this article and learn how you can boost your employees' productivity.
A condescending attitude is one attitude that no one should have to put up with. It can be among other things annoying and frustrating. Learn how to deal with condescending coworkers.
Your reputation speaks for you in your absence. You must build a good business reputation. This article helps you see how you can do so.
Why should the morale of your employees be of concern to you? Did you know that employees with high morale are many times more likely to be productive than those with low morale?
In business, management is everything. Material and human resources need to be managed. This is no easy task. This article contains best practices when it comes to management.
Businesses will often face challenges. These challenges can materialize into serious threats and may harm your business. This article highlights marketing challenges that businesses may face now and then and how to combat these challenges.
Some believe that marketing and sales are the same. But are they? This article discusses marketing and sales, how they relate to each other and how they differ.
The end of the year is a very important time to make a large volume of sales. You could miss out on this best part of the entire year if you fail to employ the right sales tactics. This article discusses the best sales strategies you could use for the 2022 year-end.
Social media has paved the way for online marketing to become more efficient. Instagram is one such platform to market your business. This article discusses how to use Instagram to successfully grow and boost your business.
As the world becomes increasingly akin to the online world of the internet, it is necessary that businesses also adapt to the change so they don’t get left behind. This article discusses 7 online tools you can employ to increase your business sales.
To learn and become proficient in any language understanding its grammar rules are important. Get better at speaking and writing in English by applying the tips in this article.
Social interactions are necessary to pass information and research says it improves your mood. The easiest way to interact with others is to start and maintain conversations. So, how do you keep a conversation going? To find out, keep reading.
Every day you're faced with decisions and so many options. If picking one out of them all never seems to be easy, even with little things read this article to find out how you can cope.
Ever wondered why everyone wants to be great in life and how you can be too? Learn how by reading this article.
Do you finally want to be able to craft a financially secure future? Read about what it means to be financially successful and how you can become a financially successful person in this article.
Emails and Bulk SMS are both marketing tools that have been used over the years, with varying levels or results. Since 2 heads are better than 1, let us explore how using both tools simultaneously yields better results.
While sending out bulk SMS that improve business communication, you can also earn from our affiliate programme, “refer and Earn” on our website. Read to learn more.
Businesses cost money to start and to run, every aspect, such as the idea, public relations, the product, marketing, etc, needs a kind of budget to function. How can a business reduce cost, while maximizing profit?
Being one of man's basic needs, Shelter would forever be in demand. Considering the cost implications, it takes a while for agents to sell houses, but here are a few tips on how SMS can help in selling more homes.
Keeping up with trends is a quality that every business person must have to compete, and stay relevant in the 21st century. Businesses can take advantage of trends, to stay up to date with their customers' needs, thus meeting them and consequently, making more profit.
Are you finding it difficult to decide which form of communication works best for your business/organization? We will discuss the two forms of communication (written and oral) to help you decide which one is best for your business.
One error in your email is big enough to create unnecessary issues for you at work or in business. To help prevent unnecessary errors and mistakes in email writeups, we will share some tips that will enable you to write the perfect emails at work.
Email has been in existence for a long time, although some business owners think that it may not be effective in terms of converting prospects into buying customers. To find out why email communication in business is important, we came up with this piece to discuss it.
If there is no communication in business, it would be difficult for business transactions to occur successfully. This is why business communication is vital. In this article, we will be giving you a detailed explanation of all you need to know about business communication and SMS.
Communication via email is one method of communication that won't be going away anytime soon. To make emails effective, you need to know the tips that will help you communicate effectively using email.
Are you wondering what location you should choose for your business? Is the location of a business important? Get all the information you need in this article.
The first step to being an entrepreneur is having an idea for a business. Who is an entrepreneur? What are the challenges of starting a business? Read answers to these questions here.
Do you have dreams of one day becoming an entrepreneur and launching your own company? In addition to a business idea, doing so will require you to possess certain skills and characteristics. Find out here.
Want to know how to start your own business? Do you need reasons to start a business? Find out 19 reasons you should start a business here.
Do you want to start a business as an employee? What kind of business can you do? Here's how to find the perfect side hustle business idea for you.
The world today is not short of bad news and we sometimes have the unfortunate responsibility to deliver such bad news to those around us. This article gives practical tips on how to deliver bad news.
Do you find yourself doing it all? Are you constantly burnt out? We know the fears associated with delegating duties and have put together practical ways you can overcome those fears and save yourself some stress. To learn those ways, keep reading.
Dealing with lazy coworkers is energy-sapping and motivation-killing. Sometimes we do not have an option but to put up with such individuals. Keep reading to see how you can maintain a friendly and productive work environment despite having lazy coworkers.
We all know someone who always seems to know it all, and is experienced in every sphere of life. Dealing with such people can be tasking. We have compiled practical ways to deal with such individuals and minimize conflicts.
The problem of firing someone is one that many employers and individuals in authority have to face. It is even a more difficult job when it is someone you like. Keep reading to see how you can ease the burden of this uphill task.
You need to grow your business through SMS marketing. This article discusses the importance of SMS marketing and how it helps in growing your business.
Your business plan is a key tool you can use to attract investors to your business. This article discusses how you can write an effective business plan that is sure to attract the attention of investors.
Learning how to write a very convincing business proposal is a necessary step in business, especially for new business owners. This article discusses how to write effective business proposals that seal the deal.
Is it better to go out in public and market your business or rather to do it online? This article discusses these two forms of business marketing and shows the type of business which they are each suitable for.
Did you know that it is unprofessional to respond to official emails when emotional? This article discusses official email writing etiquettes and also illustrates what an official email should look like.
Virtually all businesses with an online presence regularly market their business using weekly newsletters. But why is it important and how effective is it in promoting your business? Find out here.
Ever considered publishing an e-book for your business? This article discusses what e-books are, and how they can help you in marketing your business.
Developing a great newsletter is a good first step in succeeding in email marketing. This article discusses the importance of weekly newsletters and how to create a quality newsletter.
Still finding it difficult to reach customers about your business services? Read through the article to find out the best marketing strategies you can employ in your business this year 2022.
The year-end is usually a great sales period. Do you find it difficult to make sales even at the end of the year? This article discusses tips that can help you increase your sales significantly every year-end.
How can you start your business? What are the challenges involved in starting a business? Read the full process of starting a small business here.
Looking for information about business grants? Learn more about business grants and different sources where you can get grants for your business here.
Positive workplace culture is very important for businesses. Learn how to cultivate a positive workplace culture in your business environment with this article.
Every business needs funds to grow. Get information about the different funding options available with this article.
Are you looking for a work-from-home small business idea? Read through the article to know 20 small businesses you can run from the comfort of your home.
Pop quiz! In 20 seconds, list five of your strengths. What would you say? Do you know what you're good at? This post will teach you how to identify your strengths.