Do you often find yourself doing everything but what you're supposed to be doing? How can you start tasks at the right time? Read 10 tips that can help in this blog post.
Do you often find yourself doing everything but what you're supposed to be doing? How can you start tasks at the right time? Read 10 tips that can help in this blog post.
Do you feel stuck? Are you dissatisfied with the way your life is going right now? Continue reading if you want to learn how to finally create and live the life you want.
"It’s fine, I’ll do it tomorrow. There’s still plenty of time!" If you say this often then you're definitely dealing with the habit of procrastinating. This article covers the causes of procrastination and how you can fight it.
Making decisions, especially those that have a significant impact on our lives, can be difficult. Anxiety and the dread of making the wrong decision may hinder us from making the right decision. This post will provide advice on how to make sound judgments in the face of adversity.
Nothing works smoothly in an organization when there is a lack of internal employee communication. This usually results in unproductivity and the inability to attain some organizational goals. To strategize and structure your business/organization for more productive work and results, these tips will help you build internal employee communication.
Do you have difficulties in reaching out and networking with people? Do you think this affects you as a person and is hindering you from doing many things? If your networking skills are not too impressive and you want to improve them, this article is for you.
Oftentimes we overlook the importance of communication skills in our everyday activities. Get to know the importance of communication and how you can easily develop your communication skills.
Management communication can be a difficult task for any business owner, even those who have been in business for many years. Here are ten (10) ways you can improve communication among management as a business owner.
Understanding the importance of business communication as a business owner will positively impact your business. And this is the reason why Business Communication is important. In this article, you will know the importance of business communication.
We all love holidays! As a business, there are great ways to improve sales during the holiday season, an SMS campaign is one of them.
The end of the year is a very special time, when people treat themselves, after a long year of hard work. Purchasing decisions are made around this time of the year, this is why an end-of-the-year campaign is necessary.
It takes a lot to turn a lead into a buyer, and a buyer into a customer. Can a simple SMS make this happen? How can we make a simple SMS this powerful?
Generating leads is a very vital step in marketing. You can only begin your follow-up after you have separated your leads. How can one generate leads using SMS?
Think of automated messages as receptionists, the first people you meet once you step into an organization or a company, they might not be the boss, but they can keep you entertained till the boss comes.
MMS messaging is a concept that is not necessarily as popular as SMS, but efficient regardless. This is a form of messaging that takes SMS one notch higher. As much as it improves the messaging experience, does it surpass SMS in every way?
Rules! Rules! Rules! As much as we yearn for freedom, and the ability to do things our way, there are certain rules that must be followed to complete certain tasks, and the SMS industry is not an exception. Here are some text messaging etiquettes to follow when texting.
The importance of brand loyalty can never be over-emphasized, as its benefits are capable of sustaining a business. The SMS loyalty program has proved to be an effective method to ensure brand loyalty and consequently build a business.
The wording of an SMS is as important as the SMS itself. This is how to harness the power of SMS as a feedback survey mechanism.
A satisfied customer would definitely return for more. How do businesses ensure customer satisfaction, using SMS feedback? Read through the article to know how you can use SMS feedback surveys to measure customer satisfaction.
Many businesses fail before they even have a chance to get off the ground. What are the secrets to running a successful business? Read this article to find out.
Your employees are more than just people who work for you in exchange for payment. They are your brand ambassadors and as such you must trust them. They also need to trust you. How can you successfully build trust with your employees? Read on to find out.
Can you do business with someone you do not trust? Of course not. As a business owner, how do you get your customers/clients to trust you? That is the focus of this article.
As a business owner, you are in a position of leadership. What skills and qualities do you need to lead successfully? Find out in this intriguing article.
Many of us aspire to lead. Many of us still are leaders at our workplaces. How can you make the most of being a leader? What do you need to do to be better at leadership? Read more to find out.
Every day someone gets defrauded, and every day an employee or business partner steals from a company or firm. Embezzlement, Ponzi schemes, bribery etc are reported every day on the news. What steps can you take to avoid falling victim to fraud in both major and minor forms? This article creates awareness of the various forms of fraud and how you can protect your business.
Are you planning for your next recruitment process? Look no further. We have compiled a list of things to look out for when hiring employees. The list comprises that you only get the best out of your recruitment and that only those who are got for the job, get it.
At one point in time or the other, everyone would experience a measure of stress. Work-related stress is the most common kind of stress adults face, read this article to see how you can reduce stress and not make stress a lifestyle.
As a business owner, it is not enough for you to sell quality products at great prices or to offer quality services. Trust is an important component of any business. Customers and clients need to be able to trust you. How can you build and maintain that trust? Find out in this article.
Closing down a business is not what one looks forward to but sometimes due to circumstances beyond your control, it becomes necessary to do so. Learn how you can leave a business without hitches.
How can you build a strong visual identity for your brand? Read through the article to know how you can build up a strong visual identity for your brand.
Why do you need to craft a sound visual identity for your business brand? What are the likely consequences when you fail to do so? Find out here.
To grow an audience for your business, you would need a good visual identity. But what exactly is a visual identity? Read through the article to find out.
You can reach more customers for your business with an outstanding marketing plan. This article guides you on the importance of a marketing plan and how you can create an outstanding marketing plan for your business.
Still struggling to make little sales in your business? You probably have been going about it the wrong way. Read through the article to find out how you can massively increase your sales with just 10 little tips.
Do you always have trouble writing Emails? Want to know how to perfect your Emails? This article guides you on the do’s and don’ts when writing your emails at work and shows you examples of good work emails.
Not sure how to structure your brand and give it that uniqueness that your customers desire? This article highlights measures your brand can take to stand out from the crowd.
You need to clearly define your brand identity because it is crucial to the success of your business. Don’t know why? Find out here.
Don’t feel the need to brand your business? This article shows you why branding is important to your business and how it relates to the success of your business as a whole.
Building a brand and brand identity is a very crucial factor to succeed in the business world. But what exactly is it? Read through the article to find out.
The right marketing strategy can turn your business around for good. Read through this blog article to get tips on different marketing strategies (Low and High Cost) available for you.
Want to know more about business marketing? Read through the article to get all you need to know about creating a business marketing strategy for your small business.
Need a business budget template for your business? This article provides you with information on different free templates available for use.
What is business growth? Why is business growth important? Secrets to growing your business?
Read through the article to get all you need to know about Business growth.
Have a tight budget and still want to grow your business? This article provides you with ways you can achieve that successfully.
Do you have a small business and you are looking to grow your business? This article contains tips on how you can grow your business easily.
Do you want to start a small business? This article puts you through processes to get your business started and how much you may need to get started.
In every business, funding is very important. This article tells you about the importance of funding, the challenges small businesses face to get these funds, and also gives ways you can keep your business going even on a tight budget.
Everyone has a target that they want to achieve. A desire to accomplish. But how do you go from desiring to achieving? What steps do you need to take to reach your goal? Read to find out.
Want to become more sociable and less timid? Read this article to find out how you can overcome your shyness.
Learn what it takes to be a great employee and advance in your career.
You're called upon to deliver the next presentation, your palms are sweaty, and the notes in your hands are trembling. How can you overcome your anxiety about public speaking? Continue reading to find out.
Learn a range of strategies and tricks to help you dramatically enhance your writing. This article takes you through the value of writing, the characteristics of good writing and how you can improve your writing.
For a smooth and productive workflow, you have to improve communication in the workplace environment. Nothing progresses in a workplace if there is no effective communication between employers and employees.
To ensure a steady workflow that produces the required results. Here is how to improve communication in the workplace.
Are you starting a new career/ skill? You will need a mentor to make the journey much easier and faster. Here is how you can get someone to be your mentor.
Do you have the skills of speaking to a large number of people? And you also wish to earn from your speaking skills but don’t know how to land speaking gigs for yourself?
If your answer is yes, then in this piece, you will learn how to get speaking gigs.
Most times, it can be difficult to deal with angry customers. And this is one thing that you can hardly avoid dealing with as a business owner. Here is how to deal with angry customers to ensure the smooth running of your business.
Businesses without communication experts and skills might have a hard time growing and retaining their customers. This is why you need to know how to communicate with your customers. Read through the article to know how you can communicate with your customers/clients using different means.
What is VoguePay? What are the features of VoguePay? Read through the article to get all you need to know about the VoguePay payment service.
How is Fintech helping the banking process? What are the benefits of Fintech? What is PayU? What are the offers from PayU? Read through the blog article to get the answers to these questions and get to know all about the PayU payment service.
Time is money is a famous saying. The fact that people pay money to save time is a testament to the truthfulness of the above statement. Technology is a perfect way to reduce the time spent on certain tasks. Read through the article to know more about the Interswitch Webpay payment service.